Dear all,
Recently, I am using DESeq2 for differential analysis of proteomics data. But I got an error:
invalid class “DESeqDataSet” object: NA values are not allowed in the count matrix
I checked my input table, it contains no "NA".
Afterwards, I found that somebody had a similar error as mine ( DESeq2 Error NA values ). Based on the response in this post, I also found out my input table contains some values which are higher than 10 billion. Thus, I do a normalization to reduce the number of values. Then, the error is gone, and I got the results.
I would like to confirm that does DESeq2 not accept the values which is extremely high? But this kind of high value is quite common in the intensity of proteomics.
Thank you,
I would guess the distribution isn't correct. Anyway I agree it's not a good idea to supply non-sequencing data to a method designed for sequencing data, at least not without doing a lot of benchmarking.
The groups publishing proteomics workflows in Bioconductor I believe recommend limma or extensions of limma.