Dear bioconductor assistance group,
I am performing a specific research in leaf-cutting ants; and I will need to build the organism package of Atta cephalotes and Acromyrmex echinatior wide-genome package for a RNA-seq anlysis. I need that non-model annotation package to perform to obtain an enrichment analysis.
Nevertheless, considering that the annotation packages of these both organisms are not available in the Bioconductor platform, I would like to know if you could help me to recommend me a good tutorial of one package and a specific code to perform it in R-studio (because I am very new in using DESeq2 and similar tools), such as AnnotationForge or AnnotationHub to make my own annotation packages of those organisms because I do not know if I need some permissions to do that by myself.
I hope your soon answer, and thank you for your kind help.
We provide some species information automatically in annotationhub and then rely on user community contributed resources for any additional data. Some recommendations we have given for creating contributed annotation resources in the past
For an OrgDb object, see makeOrgPackageFromNCBI() and makeOrgPackage() in the AnnotationForge package for help creating the sqlite file.
For BSgenome objects should be made according to the steps outline in the BSgenome vignette.
TxDb objects there is a GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGRanges(). Data should be provided as a GRanges object. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame() or rtracklayer::import() for help creating the GRanges."