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yongzi chen
Last seen 10.4 years ago
To whom it may concern.
Hello, I am new in microarray data analysis. recently I want to use
Limma to find different expressed genes between grade I and grade
III, which you could see from the annotation file. but when I use the
code below to do this, I only got two different expressed genes, could
anybody tell me why? Is there anything wrong with my code? thank you
advance! and the data is available on
Best regards,
Best wishes to you!
Yong-Zi Chen, Ph.D.
Tianjin Cancer Institute
Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital
Huan-Hu-Xi Road, Ti-Yuan-Bei, He-Xi District
Tianjin300060, P.R. China
Phone&Fax:?? 0086-022-23340123
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