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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Marc Carlson <mcarlson at="" ...=""> writes:
> Hi Sashi,
> The PDF from Gabor that you are looking at is much older and was
> before we even had the select method. These days you probably don't
> want to do that. Especially if you want to implement a method like
> select(). I strongly suspect that you really just want to be
looking at
> this vignette instead:
> To answer your questions, GO is actually looking at a view that is
> created in the database of the three GO tables (one for BP, MF and
> But you probably don't need that level of detail. If you are using
> org.At.tair.db to look at arabidopsis, then you may already have
> everything you need. And if you need another organism, you probably
> want to look 1st at making an org package using
> makeOrgPackageFromNCBI(). And if for some reason you want to expose
> some entirely new database resource (IOW you don't want to make an
> organism package but something else entirely), then you might need
> use the vignette above.
> I hope this helps you,
> Marc
> On 08/13/2013 04:33 AM, Rameswara Sashi Kiran Challa wrote:
> > Hi ,
> >
> > I am trying to build an annotation organism package by using
> > Forge package. I followed this
> >
document<http: www.bioconductor.org="" packages="" 2.12="" bioc="" vignettes="" anno="" tationforge="" inst="" doc="" newschema.pdf="">written
> > by Gabor Csardi.
> > I was able to build a sqlite database and create an Annotation
> > using the makeAnnDbPkg() function.
> >
> > I understand cols(), keys(), keytypes() and select() are set as
> > methods in AnnotationDbi.
> >
> > When I look into methods-AnnotationDb.R script in AnnotationDbi
package, I
> > see cols() method is set and it actually reads all the columns of
all the
> > tables in the sqlite table.
> >
> > When I run *cols() *on *org.At.tair.db *I get few values which
> > actually not field/column names in the sqlite db. For Eg. there is
no table
> > called "GO" in org.At.tair.sqlite database. I am unable to
understand how
> > it creates these values. Could someone please help me understand
how and
> > where exactly these accessor functions are defined and how and
where are
> > they to be modified to be able to access the data in the sqlite db
that I
> > am creating for the organism I am working on.
> >
> > ==========================
> >
> >> cols(org.At.tair.db)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > =======================================
> >
> > Please point me to any documentation available for the same.
> >
> > Thanks for your time,
> > Sashi
> >
> > [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
> >
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Hi Marc,
Thanks for your prompt reply. Referring to the document you pointed me
to, I
created another R script within the organism package skeleton( an R
apart from zzz.R) and set cols, keytypes accessor methods.
As part of annotation packages Bimaps are created in every annotation
package. How do we use these Bimaps in these accessor methods? Am I
right in
thinking that these Bimaps are to be used in these accessor methods?
those Bimaps have to be accessed only via get(), mget(), toTable()
Also, can you please let me know if there is any documentation
available on
how the GO views are created? I see there are seperate tables like
go_mf, go_bp, etc under Arabidopsis annotation package. Is it
necessary to
have go_cc, go_mf, go_bp, go_mf_all, like tables in the sqlite
database for
the customized annotation package I am creating? Will not just a
table for all GO annotations suffice?
Thanks again for your time,
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