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Christian De Santis
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Luo and list,
I am successfully using GAGE and pathview for my analyses and I like
the package a lot. So, thanks for developing it. I have some points
on which I would appreciate some help and/or clarification.
AVERAGE VALUE - The first time I run the analysis with GAGE, I used an
identical setup parameters as the example prepared by you in the
manual. I have 8 replicates per treatment and I initially used unique
column names for each sample (i.e. "DIET02_1, DIET02_2, DIET02_3,
etc.) as per your example with HN and DCIS. However, I have discovered
(following a casual mistake) that if instead of having a unique name
samples are named with the treatments they belong (i.e. "DIET02" for
all 8 replicates), the subsequent gage analysis it generates one
single value for that treatment. By comparing the p values of both the
above cases I have found that they are identical. Am I correct to
assume that in the latter case every value assigned to the treatment
are an average of the replicates?
DUPLICATE PROBES - My array has got several duplicate or triplicate
probes which are correctly annotated with the same KO number. How are
these probes handled by the gage analysis? For example, if I have
three probes for my gene X which are annotated with the same KO
number, are these going to be counted 3 times into the "set size"? Or
are the values for that KO number going to be merged into one?
"COMPARE" argument of "gage" function - My experiment consists of 5
treatments (x 8 replicates). None of the treatments is a proper
"control". Is it correct if I use as an argument "1ongroup" choosing
one of the treatment as a ref? I have also tried the "as.group" option
but when I look at the results I do not get a comparison of the chosen
reference with the remaining groups, but instead one single value
named "exp1". I have also tried "paired" which gives completely
different results.
HEATMAP OUTPUT of "esset.grp" function - Is there any quick way to
generate an output heatmap (as for sigGeneSet) removing the redundant
pathways identified with function "esset.grp"? At the moment I am
doing this manually and plotting the results into heatmap.2 from
gplot. Is this the only way?
Any help on the above would be greatly appreciated.
Christian De Santis
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