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Hee Siew Wan
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi All,
I'm interested in calculating the expression measure using only 8
pairs of probes from each probe set of Arabidopsis genechip (i.e
instead of using the whole 11 pairs of a probe set). After searching
through the archive, I found that I can create a new cdf environment
that excludes the pairs that I'm not interested in. However, when I
tried using makecdfenv to create the new CDF package, I get a
Segmentation fault. I'm using R Version 1.9.0 (2004-04-12) on UNIX
I understand that the error occurs due to the file that I have. I have
a ATH1-121501.CDF of type Channel Definition File (which I didn't have
problem reading) and I modified this file by deleting 1 pair of probes
from 266455_at. I saved it as another .CDF. I opened the file using
EditPadLite Version 5.3.0 and did the modification from there as well.
I'm not very sure where did I make mistake(s). I'd appreciate any
comment on this.
Is there another way of reading certain probe pairs instead of
deleting them in the CDF? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks.
siew wan