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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Lukas and Bioconductors,
I¡¯m using MEDIPS version 1.12.0 and analyzing MBD seq data and hMeDIP
Sample is a Mouse stem cell and have same Input data on MBD seq and
It was fastq file, paired - end and I¡¯m mapping on mm10, using bwa.
And I read about error on previous version, contain unmapped error on
So I use -F 4 options and get removed unmapped read bam files.
Same preprocessing on MBD seq and hMeDIP data.
Using same script refer manuscript MEDIPS, and can get DMRs on MBD
seq, but
I cant get hMeDIP seq.
I don¡¯t know why these happening.
It normally load data and also saturation, seqCoverage analysis doing
But when I get a `mr.edgeR`, it show errors
> mr.edgeR = MEDIPS.meth(MSet1 = CD4_MeDIP, MSet2 = CD8_MeDIP, CSet =
ISet1 = MBD_Input, ISet2 = MBD_Input, p.adj = "bonferroni",
diff.method =
"edgeR", prob.method = "poisson", MeDIP = T, CNV = F, type = "rpkm",
minRowSum = 1)
Calculating genomic coordinates...
Creating Granges object for genome wide windows...
Preprocessing MEDIPS SET 1 in MSet1...
Calculating calibration curve...
Performing linear regression...
Error in 1:max_signal_index : argument of length 0
I¡¯m trying to find errors, sort bam files, include bam index files or
exclude index files, and mapping again using bwa.
Why these happening?
Jong hwan kim.
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