Importing a bed file
Last seen 3.6 years ago
United States
fname <- file.choose() #C:\Users\reach\Downloads\CpGislands.Hsapiens.hg38.UCSC.bed.gz
[1] TRUE
cpg <- import(fname)
Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec, :
scan() expected 'an integer', got 'chr1'
Last seen 20 hours ago
United States
You need to make one more step, which is to ensure that you change the output format field to Bed format on the UCSC website before you download the table. This will open one more webpage that asks you some questions. After which it works as advertised:
> import("../Downloads/CpGislands.Hsapiens.hg38.UCSC.bed.gz")
UCSC track 'tb_cpgIslandExt'
UCSCData object with 31144 ranges and 1 metadata column:
seqnames ranges strand | name
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character>
[1] chr1 155188537-155192004 * | CpG:_361
[2] chr1 2226774-2229734 * | CpG:_366
[3] chr1 36306230-36307408 * | CpG:_110
[4] chr1 47708823-47710847 * | CpG:_164
[5] chr1 53737730-53739637 * | CpG:_221
... ... ... ... . ...
[31140] chr22_KI270734v1_ran.. 131010-132049 * | CpG:_102
[31141] chr22_KI270734v1_ran.. 161257-161626 * | CpG:_55
[31142] chr22_KI270735v1_ran.. 17221-18098 * | CpG:_100
[31143] chr22_KI270738v1_ran.. 4413-5280 * | CpG:_80
[31144] chr22_KI270738v1_ran.. 6226-6467 * | CpG:_34
seqinfo: 332 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
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An alternative that might be more useful would be to download directly and make a
object.Depending on whether or not you care about the extra information you can add.
This worked! Thanks!