Returning gene functional annotations with gene symbols as input (using mygene Bioconductor package)
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Last seen 7.4 years ago
Stanford University

I'm working with the following R code where I'm returning gene ontology terms pertinent to the biological process (BP) category:

    > source("")
    > biocLite("mygene")
    > xli <- c('BRCA1', 'BRCA2', 'SOX2', 'MYC')
    > res <- queryMany(xli, scopes='symbol', fields=c('go'), species='rat')
    > unlist(unlist(res$go.BP)[names(unlist(res$go.BP)) == 'term'], use.names = F)
      [1] "double-strand break repair via homologous recombination"                                                        
      [2] "double-strand break repair via homologous recombination"                                                        
      [3] "double-strand break repair via homologous recombination"                                                        
      [4] "DNA replication"                                                                                                
      [5] "DNA replication"                                                                                                
      [378] "positive regulation of DNA biosynthetic process"                                                                
      [379] "positive regulation of response to DNA damage stimulus"                                                         
      [380] "positive regulation of response to DNA damage stimulus"                                                         
      [381] "positive regulation of ATP biosynthetic process"                                                                
      [382] "positive regulation of apoptotic signaling pathway"  

Please see:  But then when I try adding gene CARNS1 to xli:

    > xli <- c('BRCA1', 'BRCA2', 'SOX2', 'MYC', 'CARNS1')
    > res <- queryMany(xli, scopes='symbol', fields=c('go'), species='rat')
    > unlist(unlist(res$go.BP)[names(unlist(res$go.BP)) == 'term'], use.names = F)
    Error in rbind(deparse.level, ...) : 
      numbers of columns of arguments do not match

Anyone know why this error happens?  At first, I thought it was because of the scopes argument in queryMany(), but playing around with the parameters of did not help clarify the issue.  

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  

P.S.  I would also welcome suggestions and/or minimal working (code) examples for using other R packages to get the job done.  In fact, just to emphasize this point, if the above seems to be an intractable problem (for whatever reason), I completely do not mind using an alternative software package.

P.P.S.  My sessionInfo() is:

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.3 (2017-03-06)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
Running under: OS X Yosemite 10.10.5

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
 [1] splines   stats4    parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] geneXtendeR_1.0.2          data.table_1.10.4          mygene_1.8.0              
 [4] GenomicFeatures_1.24.5     AnnotationDbi_1.34.4       DEGseq_1.26.0             
 [7] samr_2.0                   matrixStats_0.52.2         impute_1.46.0             
[10] qvalue_2.4.2               PoissonSeq_1.1.2           combinat_0.0-8            
[13] BiocInstaller_1.22.3       baySeq_2.6.0               perm_1.0-0.0              
[16] abind_1.4-5                EBSeq_1.12.0               testthat_1.0.2            
[19] blockmodeling_0.1.9        DESeq2_1.12.4              SummarizedExperiment_1.2.3
[22] Biobase_2.32.0             edgeR_3.14.0               limma_3.28.21             
[25] dplyr_0.7.1                gplots_3.0.1               shinyapps_0.4.1.8         
[28] shiny_1.0.3                bindrcpp_0.2               rtracklayer_1.32.2        
[31] GenomicRanges_1.24.3       GenomeInfoDb_1.8.7         IRanges_2.6.1             
[34] S4Vectors_0.10.3           BiocGenerics_0.18.0        devtools_1.13.2           

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] backports_1.1.0         Hmisc_4.0-3             plyr_1.8.4              lazyeval_0.2.0         
 [5] BiocParallel_1.6.6      ggplot2_2.2.1           digest_0.6.12           htmltools_0.3.6        
 [9] gdata_2.18.0            magrittr_1.5            checkmate_1.8.3         memoise_1.1.0          
[13] cluster_2.0.6           Biostrings_2.40.2       annotate_1.50.1         colorspace_1.3-2       
[17] blob_1.1.0              crayon_1.3.2            RCurl_1.95-4.8          jsonlite_1.5           
[21] roxygen2_6.0.1          genefilter_1.54.2       bindr_0.1               survival_2.41-3        
[25] glue_1.1.1              gtable_0.2.0            zlibbioc_1.18.0         XVector_0.12.1         
[29] scales_0.4.1            DBI_0.7                 Rcpp_0.12.11            xtable_1.8-2           
[33] htmlTable_1.9           foreign_0.8-69          bit_1.1-12              Formula_1.2-2          
[37] sqldf_0.4-11            htmlwidgets_0.9         httr_1.2.1              RColorBrewer_1.1-2     
[41] acepack_1.4.1           pkgconfig_2.0.1         XML_3.98-1.9            nnet_7.3-12            
[45] locfit_1.5-9.1          rlang_0.1.1             reshape2_1.4.2          munsell_0.4.3          
[49] tools_3.3.3             gsubfn_0.6-6            RSQLite_2.0             stringr_1.2.0          
[53] knitr_1.16              bit64_0.9-7             caTools_1.17.1          mime_0.5               
[57] xml2_1.1.1              biomaRt_2.28.0          curl_2.7                tibble_1.3.3           
[61] geneplotter_1.50.0      stringi_1.1.5           desc_1.1.0              lattice_0.20-35        
[65] Matrix_1.2-10           commonmark_1.2          bitops_1.0-6            httpuv_1.3.5           
[69] R6_2.2.2                latticeExtra_0.6-28     KernSmooth_2.23-15      gridExtra_2.2.1        
[73] gtools_3.5.0            assertthat_0.2.0.9000   chron_2.3-50            proto_1.0.0            
[77] rprojroot_1.2           withr_1.0.2             GenomicAlignments_1.8.4 Rsamtools_1.24.0       
[81] grid_3.3.3              rpart_4.1-11            git2r_0.18.0            base64enc_0.1-3 
software error mygene gene ontology R • 1.4k views
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Last seen 14 hours ago
United States

I don't think you need something specific for this. It's just a couple of queries.

> library(org.Rn,eg.db)
> library(GO.db)
## note that all caps implies human. You want just the first letter capitalized
> gns <- c('BRCA1', 'BRCA2', 'SOX2', 'MYC', 'CARNS1')
> gns2 <- paste0(substr(gns, 1, 1), tolower(substr(gns, 2, nchar(gns))))
> gos <- select(, gns2, "GO","SYMBOL")
'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
> terms <- select(GO.db, as.character(gos[,2]), "TERM","GOID")
'select()' returned many:1 mapping between keys and columns
> head(terms)
        GOID                                                    TERM
1 GO:0000151                                ubiquitin ligase complex
2 GO:0000724 double-strand break repair via homologous recombination
3 GO:0000729                      DNA double-strand break processing
4 GO:0000731                    DNA synthesis involved in DNA repair
5 GO:0000732                                     strand displacement
6 GO:0000800                                         lateral element

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