I have a set of BS and oxBS treated samples from EPICarray and would like to analyze them using a R package. I found there are oxyBS and oxBS-MLE packages but I am struggling with their implementation to the analysis itself. For the methylation analysis I use the ChAMP and minfi packages so can anyone give me a hint how to combine those with any of the oxBS analyzing methods?
Or does anyone have a suggestion of any other analyzing method for assessing hydroxymethylation differences?
Thanks in advance!!
Hi Yuan Tian,
thanks for such quick answer!!
I sure noticed that there is a paragraph in ChAMP vignette but I am not sure if it is suitable for my data.
I have 6 Sample Groups (samples with different mutations and normal) and for each sample I have BS and oxBS data. So first I need to asses BS-oxBS for each sample and than compare this hmC results between the Sample Groups.
Do you have any idea how to code this?
And how can I contact Tiffany? Do you maybe have her email adress?
Best regards,