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Say I have Hits-object along these lines:
from <- c(5, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2) to <- c(11, 15, 5, 4, 6, 11)
hits <- Hits(from, to, 7, 15, sort.by.query=TRUE)
For every hit, I can assign some value:
mcols(hits)$val <- c(10, 11, 15, 12, 10, 10)
I then want to break all ties, similar to breakTies:
breakTies(hits, "first")
However, I don't just want to resolve ties by the index, but rather on the val-column in mcols, i.e. the maximum value so the output would look like this:
Is there a smart way on doing this, without first coercing the Hits-object into a data.frame and then back?
It looks like Hits need to stay sorted by query:
I get the following error when running this code:
> sort(hits, by = ~val, decreasing=TRUE)
Error in as.vector(x) : no method for coercing this S4 class to a vector
In any case, doesn't breakTies always choose based on the index value, rather than row order?
I edited by answer; hopefully improved.
Thanks! So I guess that means there is no solution using breakTies - although as you write in the edited post, that seems like an obvious functionality for that function to have (The current documentation for breakTies is also a bit unclear).
As was unaware of the global=TRUE argument to which.max/which.min - that's a neat little trick!
Well there is now in devel, S4Vectors 0.17.13.
I also wanted to mention that the
failed, I think, because IRanges wasn't loaded. Some stuff still needs to be moved over.Jeff's comment on needing to include the
is no longer true. Callingsort()
on a "SortedByQueryHits" will coerce to an ordinary "Hits", unless the sort is actually by the query hits, in which case it does nothing.