Unfortunately, you can't do this directly in biomaRt, the BioMart service gives no indication of input values that don't return anything. However you can do it yourself if you make sure you return the query values in your result - then you can see which are missing.
First off we'll set up the same query you did before, but we won't select only the human genes:
musGenes <- c("Hmmr", "Tlx3", "STSRAAA1", "Cpeb4")
human = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl")
mouse = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl")
genesV2 = getLDS(attributes = c("mgi_symbol"),
filters = "mgi_symbol",
values = musGenes,
mart = mouse,
attributesL = c("hgnc_symbol"),
martL = human, uniqueRows=T)
From here, the strategy is to identify whether there are any of the original mouse genes missing in the result. If there are then we make a second data.frame
containing those mouse symbols paired with "-", and then bind this with the original results.
## Find any of our original values not in the results
musMissing <- setdiff(musGenes, genesV2[,'MGI.symbol'])
## Create data.frame with missing genes paired with "-"
mapMissing <- data.frame(MGI.symbol = musMissing,
HGNC.symbol = rep("-", length(musMissing)))
## Combine
results <- rbind(genesV2, mapMissing)
> results
MGI.symbol HGNC.symbol
1 Cpeb4 CPEB4
2 Tlx3 TLX3
3 Hmmr HMMR
One thing to note is that the results are not in the same order as the original query - this is true even with the original approach; BioMart doesn't preserve the order of the query values. If you want to return things in the same order you can do so like this:
## order same as original query
> results[ match(musGenes, results[,1]), ]
MGI.symbol HGNC.symbol
3 Hmmr HMMR
2 Tlx3 TLX3
1 Cpeb4 CPEB4
@Mike Smith thanks this is difently helpful but in case if the gene names exist and similar in both. do you know what I am trying to do? I am trying to find the orthologue of a mouse gene. is there a possibility to evaluate them based on chromosome or DNA level? how people evaluate the orthologue to be a true one?