i just created 16 BAM file by using Rsubread packege. When i run the featurecounts then I only get the total counts for each of the BAM file but not getting the count matrix.
when i use fc$counts it shows
DAB1.BAM DAB2.BAM ......... DAB16.BAM
15969703 1760659 ...............1505869
but i am not getting any count matrix for each gene.
can anyone help me with this.
Monzur Murshed
You need to show the code you used.
i am using this codes:
> a<-list.files(pattern="*.BAM")
> a
[1] "DAB1.BAM" "DAB10.BAM" "DAB11.BAM" "DAB12.BAM" "DAB13.BAM" "DAB14.BAM"
[13] "DAB6.BAM" "DAB7.BAM" "DAB8.BAM" "DAB9.BAM"
when i run this code it shows some warning
Warning: failed to find the gene identifier attribute in the 9th column of the provided GTF file.
The specified gene identifier attribute is 'gene_id'
The attributes included in your GTF annotation are 'ID=C1_00010W_A-T-E1;Parent=C1_00010W_A-T'
|| Features : 13831 ||
|| Meta-features : 1 ||
|| Chromosomes/contigs : 17
when i use this command i get only this out put not any count matrix