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Luckey, John
Last seen 10.3 years ago
Hello Bioconductor Users,
Sorry to bother you, but I have a couple of quick questions on the
affy package that I have been unable to answer by reading through the
textual description of affy available on the bioconductor website and
the recent papers on the subject. Iin general, am very impressed with
the noise reduction using affy and truly appreciate the Bioconductor
open source concept and packages available. I am trying to compare
directly our own homebrewed data normalization within Splus (splining
of affyIDs (post MAS summing of probes)) with the rma output.
Question 1: Are the values output by rma to eset (and written to tab
delimited file with write.exprs) the logbase2 of the "actual" affyID
values, or are they the affyID values themselves. This is obviously
important for comparing rma to our old methods, and for estimates of
"accurate" fold change estimates- It seems to me that rma is much more
precise in that much of the noise between replicates, especially at
the low end, seeems to have been reduced in rma, but I am struggling
with how to estimate back to accurate fold change estimates.
Question 2: Is there an easy way to write out the PM values to tab
delimited file post background correction and normalization (to assess
individual probe sets prior to median polish). I am trying to work out
reasons for differences between our old method and rma for individual
affy IDs.
John Luckey
C John Luckey, MD PhD
Post Doctoral Fellow - Benoist-Mathis Lab
Joslin Diabetes Center
One Joslin Place, Rm. 474
Boston, MA 02215
phone: (617) 264-2783
fax: (617) 264-2744
e-mail: john.luckey@joslin.harvard.edu