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Assa Yeroslaviz
Last seen 10.5 years ago
IS there a way of calculating the s0-Value in the SAM analysis?
I did a few tets with my data. Every time I get the result
s0 = 0
Number of permutations: 200
MEAN number of falsely called genes is computed.
Delta: 9.3
cutlow: -23.092
cutup: 14.528
p0: 0.312
Significant Genes: 8
Falsely Called Genes: 0
FDR: 0
Genes called significant (using Delta = 9.3):
Row d.value stdev rawp q.value R.fold Name
1 4431 26.0 5.92 0 0 1.28e+42 254466_at
2 22511 -23.1 16.13 0 0 0.00e+00 259927_at
3 8199 18.4 5.61 0 0 1.83e+25 249456_at
4 14510 16.8 8.99 0 0 8.94e+40 258067_at
5 8351 16.4 10.68 0 0 3.08e+46 252077_at
6 16295 15.6 4.65 0 0 2.22e+20 263441_at
7 6168 14.9 7.62 0 0 1.35e+22 249015_at
8 22152 14.5 18.78 0 0 Inf 257088_at
I can define s0 as i like(in the sam line), but I'm not sure which
value to
Assa Yeroslaviz
L?tzenerstr. 15
51373 Leverkusen