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Last seen 7.1 years ago
I'm attempting to use 'enricher' and 'GSEA' functions from clusterprofiler package to analayze gene sets from MSigDB.
The following is the code I'm using:
> gmtfile <- "/path/c5.all.v6.1.entrez.gmt" > c5 <- read.gmt(gmtfile) > head(df) ENTREZID log2FoldChange 1 100516980 0.11587633 2 100155074 0.11587633 > egmt <- enricher(as.character(df[,1]), TERM2GENE=c5) --> No gene can be mapped.... --> Expected input gene ID: 27433,10846,23479,3669,65977,10808 --> return NULL... > head(geneList) 100154447 396596 100516171 100155895 397132 100515447 6.035077 4.837211 4.629196 4.524015 4.420449 4.401480 > egmt2 <- GSEA(geneList, TERM2GENE=c5, verbose=FALSE) --> Expected input gene ID: 54932,23001,3329,2035,9837,22894 Error in check_gene_id(geneList, geneSets) : --> No gene can be mapped....
ANSWER: I got a list of pathways by doing the following
eg = bitr(d$SYMBOL, fromType="SYMBOL", toType=c("PATH", "ENTREZID"), OrgDb="org.Ss.eg.db") > head(eg) SYMBOL PATH ENTREZID 1 ACKR1 05144 100154447 2 FMO1 00982 397132 tt <- eg[,c(2,3)] > head(tt) PATH ENTREZID 1 05144 100154447 2 00982 397132 > egmt <- enricher(as.vector(df[,1]), pvalueCutoff=1, qvalueCutoff=1, pAdjustMethod = "BH", TERM2GENE=tt) > head(egmt) ID Description GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue 00010 00010 00010 32/2868 32/2868 1 1 1 00020 00020 00020 20/2868 20/2868 1 1 1
I'm not sure why the pathway description aren't displayed. Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi Yu!
Yes, I had used the wrong file. Then I got the ones for Sus scrofa, and did the MSigdb gene set analysis. Thanks for pointing out the mistake.
The answer that I've posted, is that an acceptable approach to get a list of pathways? Thanks for your help.