I was trying to do some comparative analysis between the rhesus and human genes. I seem to get no genes that are common to both species! What am I doing wrong? My code, screen output :
txdb_hg38 <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
txdb_rh8 <- TxDb.Mmulatta.UCSC.rheMac8.refGene
## All rhesus entrez ids
grgenes <- genes(txdb_rh8)
allrefs <- grgenes$gene_id
monkey_entrez <- sort(mapIds(org.Mmu.eg.db, keys=allrefs, column="ENTREZID", keytype="REFSEQ", multiVals="filter"))
# homo sapiens entrez ids
grgenes <- genes(txdb_hg38)
human_entrez <- unique(grgenes$gene_id)
> length(monkey_entrez)
[1] 6371
> length(human_entrez)
[1] 24183
> length(intersect(monkey_entrez,human_entrez))
[1] 0
> head(monkey_entrez)
NM_001098400 NM_001105170 NM_001104552 NM_001105171 NM_001105172 NM_001105173
"100049578" "100125558" "100125559" "100125560" "100125562" "100125563"
> head(human_entrez)
[1] "1" "10" "100" "1000" "100009613" "100009676"
Also, how can I get mapIds to return all matches (and not just 1:1)? I tried all the options for multiVals, but they all return the same number of entrez genes.