I got the following code, and want to generate the heatmap later.
y <- calcNormFactors(y, method = "TMM")
v <- voom(y, design, plot=TRUE)
lcpm <- cpm(y, log=TRUE)
From EdgeR, it was recommended that lcpm could be used to generate heatmap with a prior.count. However, from https://f1000research.com/articles/5-1408/v1, the tutorial uses v$E to generate the heatmap.
I compared v$E and lcpm here, there is very little differences here:
max(v$E[,] - lcpm[,])
returns 2.9.
Any suggestions for the heatmap? Which one should I use? ( I tried both, and I saw little difference for my current dataset)
Thanks & Regards,
I'm much more clear now. Thanks Gordon.