it's a boneheaded question, so please have mercy.
How does limma calculate log2 fold change from the matrix of microarray probeset intensities? I am having trouble replicating fold changes of significant genes by hand. These data are from a series of affymetrix single channel microarrays
after lmfit/ebayes:
t1 <- topTable(ebfit,coef=1,number=Inf,adjust="BH",p.value=0.05,lfc=1.5)
PROBEID SYMBOL logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
13133579 igsf21b -2.258103999 6.337697273 -14.00972646 1.90E-10 1.24E-06 13.92612694
13133579: 7.513304853 7.242395497 7.14078462 7.262557934 7.017870937 7.175894141 7.787028062 7.49573367 5.097990827 4.814967793 4.938052079 5.434358161
The control samples are 1:8 The treatment samples are 9:12 How do I calculate log2 fold change given this example? Said another way, what series of equations are used to calculate the resulting -2.25 log2 fold change for igsf21b
I hope my question is clear. I can try to elaborate further if needed. Thanks,
How did you try compute the logFC by hand?