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alex lam RI
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Dear colleagues,
I loaded data from some cDNA arrays into limma and maanova/R
and was checking if my arrays were ok. I ran imageplot in limma and
arrayview in maanova, and to my surprise the images looked very
I have put the images of the first six arrays on
image-M-1-6.png is the limma output, the others png files came from
Are they not plotting the same thing (log ratio)? I didn't get any
background values so I plotted M. Arrayview005.png shows a streak
is not visible in QPG185 (same array) in limma. And I don't understand
why there are regular blocks of almost solid red or green in the limma
output. I didn't remove landlites and controls (but gave them 0 weight
in limma) but they are supposed to be regularly spaced. And the images
from maanova differ a lot in how red or green they are. Should I worry
about the quality of these arrays?
Limma code:
imageplot3by2(MA, z="M")
Maanova code:
arrayview(data.raw, array=1:6)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Alex Lam
PhD student
Department of Genetics and Genomics
Roslin Institute (Edinburgh)
Midlothian EH25 9PS
Phone +44 131 5274471
Web http://www.roslin.ac.uk