I am trying to use SNPRelate to run some data analysis on a VCF file output from STACKS. I have gotten the file to read into R, but now when I am trying to cover to GDS file I keep getting the following error: Error in seqVCF2GDS(vcf.fn, "FullStudy.gds") : FORMAT ID 'AD' should have 1 value(s), but receives 2. FILE: /Users/allisavincent/Desktop/FullStudy_Current.vcf LINE: 12, COLUMN: 10, ./.:0:.,.
I have looked at other VCF files to check how AD should be formatted and all of them AD is formatted 6,4 or .,. if no information is available, so AD should have 2 values but for some reason seqVCF2GDS expects AD to have only 1 value, how do I get around this error?
vcf.fn <- "/Users/allisavincent/Desktop/FullStudyCurrent.vcf" seqarraytest1 <- seqVCF2GDS(vcf.fn, "FullStudy.gds")