Hello, I recently had a fairly straightforward dge analysis comparing two treatments with three biological replicates each. All samples were clones of the same plant and the tests were performed under the same growth conditions except for the treatment. DGE using the the glmQLFit and glmQLFTest commands resulted in 0 genes differentially expressed between the groups for a FDR threshold of 0.01.
I understand that the exact test will produce no genes with DE under two circumstances: 1) there is too much variation in the expression levels within groups and therefore the test estimates a high p.value which translates into no DGE and 2) both groups have actually very similar expression patterns even though the dispersion of the data is not too big.
How can I test which one of the above is the main reason driving the result of no differential genes? Is there any other explanation for that result that I have not considered?
Thank you for your help.
Juan D. Montenegro
Note that an FDR of .01 is quite conservative, going with an FDR <= 0.10 is not uncommon so take a look at that.
As Aaron points out though, there are many reasons for not detecting any DE genes. Maybe the effect of the treatment isnt vere big at all, in which case more replicates will (always) help ... Or maybe there's some variability / technical artifact that you aren't accounting for ...
Thank you Steve,
Indeed going through the experimental design I found out the "clones" were not actually clones, but plants from the same "variety" that show fairly similar behaviour and phenotypes, but are not consistent one generation after the next, so yes, there was some variability between the repeats that I was not taking into account, but then again, I cannot add that factor to the model matrix, unless I can do this:
would that make sense at all?
Juan Daniel
No, unfortunately it wouldn't make sense to encode the design in this way as there's no replication within your