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Last seen 10.6 years ago
Dear all,
I have a problem with the CoCiteStats library.
I have attached what I have done for determining the co-citation
between two human LLids. In this case all is working fine:
> library(CoCiteStats)
Loading required package: humanLLMappings
> hLLids<-ls(humanLLMappingsLL2PMID)
> hnumPapers <-
> hPaperLen <- paperLen(ls(humanLLMappingsLL2PMID))$Counts
> length(hPaperLen)
[1] 111318
> hPaperLen[1:5]
2591067 3458201 3610142 8889549 12477932
1 1 1 81 15868
> gene.geneslist.sig(gene=hLLids[1], geneslist=hLLids[2],
numPapers=hnumPapers, PaperLen=hPaperLen, n.resamp=50)
Concordance Jaccard Hubert
original 1.000000e+00 1.388889e-02 0.0436623687
gs 9.403273e-01 8.873752e-01 0.8806545584
ps 6.301991e-05 1.148339e-06 -0.0001406189
both 1.520238e-01 8.226504e-02 -0.6959523497
Concordance Jaccard Hubert
original 0.24 0.72 0.72
gs 0.72 0.72 0.72
ps 0.32 0.72 1.00
both 0.72 0.72 0.72
Rather, if I try to repeat the same code for two mouse LLids:
> library(mouseLLMappings)
> mLLids<-ls(mouseLLMappingsLL2PMID)
> mnumPapers<-length(unique(unlist(as.list(mouseLLMappingsLL2PMID))))
> mPaperLen <- paperLen(ls(mouseLLMappingsLL2PMID))$Counts
> length(mPaperLen)
[1] 0
> mPaperLen
..therefore it seems to me that there is some problem either in the
function or in the mouseLLMappings library. The latter is properly
and working in my opinion.
I tried to obtain the same result of the paperLen function using the
line of code, to test if I am able to overcame the problem and use the
gene.geneslist.sig function, but I get an error message :
> mPaperLen<-table(unlist(as.list(mouseLLMappingsLL2PMID)))
> length(mPaperLen)
[1] 40683
> mPaperLen[1:5]
100 10021335 10021340 10021343 10021344
1 1 1 1 1
> gene.geneslist.sig(gene=mLLids[1], geneslist=mLLids[2],
numPapers=mnumPapers, PaperLen=mPaperLen, n.resamp=50)
Error in wh$papers[[g1]] : subscript out of bounds
I also unsuccessfully tried by using the old mouseLLMappings 1.8 and
developmental CoCiteStats_1.3.0 versions..
Thanks for any suggestion
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.2.1, 2005-12-20, x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
attached base packages:
[1] "methods" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "utils"
[7] "base"
other attached packages:
mouseLLMappings CoCiteStats humanLLMappings
"1.10.0" "1.2.0" "1.10.0"
Mattia Pelizzola
PhD Student
Genopolis Consortium
Milano-Bicocca University
P.zza della Scienza 4
20126 Milano (Italy)