Hello Rory,
Thanks for the Diffbind package, it makes DB analysis very easy.
However, I have the following question: How does DiffBind handle Input samples and how does it compare condition B with condition A? For example, I have a experiment design like this:
Condition A B
IP 2 2
IN 2 2
The number 2 indicates 2 biological replicates for each cell.
When DiffBind calls DESeq2, what contrast does it use internally to calculate LFC and FDR between condition A and B?
1. A_IP - B_IP
2. (A_IP - A_IN) - (B_IP - B_IN)
3. sth. else?
Thank you!
I think when Input was not specified in the meta data, then '1' is used. When Input is provided, '2' is used?