How to perform multiple comparisons with no biological replication using edgeR
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hong1ang • 0
Last seen 4.8 years ago

Hi seniors,

I am using edgeR for Gene expression analysis, my data is time-course transcriptome but no biological replication. I also know that there is meaningless without biological replication, but I have no choice.

Now I want to analyze the comparison between any two groups,but I found glmLRT (fit, coef = 2) is not equal to the result of the glmLRT (fit, contrast = CONTRASTS [, 'A10hvsA0h']). The code is below:


Counts data generated by featureCounts program

countData <- read.table('qde2_featurecounts',header = TRUE,sep = '\t',row.names = 1)
countData <- countData[,c(6,7,8,9,10,11)]
names(countData) <- c('WT_0h','WT_10h','WT_48h','KO_0h','KO_10h','KO_48h')
head(countData )
          WT_0h WT_10h WT_48h KO_0h KO_10h KO_48h
ao0303682  2029   1009    631   972    540    473
ao0309247  4036   1672   1029  2030    825    926
ao0306037     6      1      3     3      2      4
ao0300999    27     53     48    12     34     81
ao0306913     7      5     10     5      3     15
ao0305685     0      1      1     0      2      3

condition <- c(paste('A',c('0h','10h','48h'),sep='_'),paste('Q',c('0h','10h','48h'),sep='_'))
group <- factor(condition,levels=condition)

y <- DGEList(count = countData,group = group)

design <- model.matrix(~0+group)
colnames(design) <- levels(group)
  A_0h A_10h A_48h Q_0h Q_10h Q_48h
1    1     0     0    0     0     0
2    0     1     0    0     0     0
3    0     0     1    0     0     0
4    0     0     0    1     0     0
5    0     0     0    0     1     0
6    0     0     0    0     0     1
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] "contr.treatment"

keep <- rowSums(cpm(y)>1) >=1
y <- y[keep, , keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
y <- calcNormFactors(y,method = 'TMM')

I have no biological replication, here set dispersion = 0.01

fit <- glmFit(y,dispersion = 0.01)
CONTRASTS <- makeContrasts( A_10hvsA_0h = A_10h-A_0h,
                            A_48hvsA_0h = A_48h-A_0h,
                            A_48hvsA_10h = A_48h-A_10h,
                            Q_0hvsA_0h = Q_0h-A_0h,
                            Q_10hvsA_10h = (Q_10h-Q_0h)-(A_10h-A_0h),
                            levels = design )

Compare the DEG of A10h vs. A0h using glmLRT(fit,coef = 2)

A_10hvsA_0h_lrt <- glmLRT(fit,coef = 2)

Coefficient:  y$samples$groupA_10h 
              logFC    logCPM       LR        PValue           FDR
ao0304393 10.566149  8.693791 939.1435 3.038757e-206 2.925715e-202
ao0301350  9.161787  8.974330 892.9482 3.348226e-196 1.611836e-192
ao0310604  8.813577  9.548651 881.2468 1.171078e-193 3.758378e-190
ao0307037  8.603780  9.590910 871.5692 1.487480e-191 3.580363e-188
ao0303760  8.288286 13.037790 849.7920 8.068355e-187 1.553642e-183
ao0302195  9.754058  7.210731 791.3131 4.176101e-174 6.701250e-171
ao0307297  8.017683  8.931971 780.9519 7.473511e-172 1.027928e-168
ao0308239  7.702823  8.346463 729.2818 1.283395e-160 1.544566e-157
ao0301855  8.243889  7.446494 728.1615 2.248900e-160 2.405823e-157
ao0303286  7.937759  7.459464 718.3401 3.073340e-158 2.959012e-155

Compare the DEG of A10h vs. A0h using glmLRT(fit,contrast = CONTRASTS[,'A10hvsA0h'])

lrt <- glmLRT(fit,contrast = CONTRASTS[,'A_10hvsA_0h'])
Coefficient:  -1*(Intercept) 1*y$samples$groupA_10h 
             logFC   logCPM       LR PValue FDR
ao0304393 30.90727 8.693791 1670.897      0   0
ao0302195 30.47853 7.210731 1604.222      0   0
ao0304617 29.46109 6.001523 1521.929      0   0
ao0301884 28.88430 6.408459 1530.358      0   0
ao0301350 27.47016 8.974330 1581.138      0   0
ao0301855 27.22039 7.446494 1524.158      0   0
ao0303842 26.39358 7.400163 1488.512      0   0
ao0303286 26.37514 7.459464 1498.223      0   0
ao0310604 26.29831 9.548651 1536.513      0   0
ao0307037 25.48104 9.590910 1499.271      0   0

why glmLRT(fit,coef = 2) and glmLRT(fit,contrast = CONTRASTS[,'A10hvsA0h']) produce two different results? the value of logFC is largely different. Actually, I want to use parameter contrast instead of coef.

What should I do? Thank you in advance

edgeR no replication glmLRT(fit coef=2) • 710 views
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Last seen 1 hour ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia

You want to compare A10h vs A0h and you've already done that successfully.

You could have got the same results by defining instead

design <- model.matrix(~group)

and then

lrt <- glmLRT(fit, coef=2)

coef=2 doesn't give the same result as the contrast unless you define the design matrix appropriately. There is a section on this in the limma User's Guide, which also applies to edgeR.

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Thank you for your prompt reply!I now know how to make the two results the same.


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