Hello all,
I have an array with 8 groups and 4-time points (3 replicates in each), with the exception of 1 timepoint where the rats died. Reading about this missing group on Limma guideline, I think the best strategy would be the group-mean parametrization strategy?
Imaging I have groups (1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8) and time points (1mo, 3mo, 6mo, 12mo), how could I determine the changes over time doing the parametrization strategy, assuming I'm correct on that one.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Gordon, for your quick answer. Coming back to my design, how could I determine changes over time doing this strategy?
Sample 1 is my control.
I did the contrasts for each month: Cont <- makeContrasts("2-1", "3-1", .......... levels=design)
Now I would like to determine if there is any change over time, but I'm not sure how to make the appropriate design. Would be something like that?
Cont.group2 <- makeContrasts((2-1)-(3-1)-(6-1)-(12-1), levels=design)
Thanks once again