in the "setup" script for my project (actually a Dockerfile), I have
apt-get -y install r-base=3.6.3-1bionic
Rscript -e 'install.packages("BiocManager")'
Rscript -e 'BiocManager::install(c("DT", "shiny", "vcfR", "htmlTable", "ggplot2", "tidyverse", "reshape", "dplyr", "jsonlite", "xml2", "biomaRt"), ask = FALSE, version = "3.10")'
I understand that a specific Bioconductor release version should imply that a specific version of each bioconductor is installed. What happens to base R packages? Are these similarly constrained? Or running this installation script now and in 6 months result in differnet package versions being installed?
Thanks! Yannick
Thanks very much @mike for the detailed reply. I don't like the idea of seeing different results :)
In light of this, I've been trying to use packrat - but that seems to struggle with bioconductor... A workaround could be to specify the URLs and do install.packages("http://xxxwhatever.tar.gz") for each package within the Dockerfile - but this is a bit unpleasant as it needs to be done in the correct order...