Hi there,
I'd like some guidance on how best to carry out differential expression analysis using the limma pipeline with my data set. Below is representative of my targets data.frame:
Sample Patient Tissue Time Treatment Class
1 1 Diseased 0 Topical A
2 1 Diseased 2 Topical A
3 1 Diseased 4 Topical A
4 1 Healthy 0 Topical A
5 1 Healthy 2 Topical A
6 1 Healthy 4 Topical A
7 2 Diseased 0 Systemic B
8 2 Diseased 2 Systemic B
9 2 Diseased 4 Systemic B
10 2 Healthy 0 Systemic B
11 2 Healthy 2 Systemic B
12 2 Healthy 4 Systemic B
I have data from patients undergoing either topical or systemic treatment, with samples taken at three time points: 0 (baseline) = before starting treatment 2 = two weeks after starting treatment 4 = four weeks after starting treatment
Samples were also taken from two tissue types in each patient = healthy and diseased.
Each patient also has either class A disease or class B disease.
There are a number of questions that I'd like to answer here. I'll state my intended approach and then hopefully I can get some pointers if I have the wrong idea.
(1) What is the difference between class A disease and class B disease at week 0?
Here, I'm guessing a simple two group comparison would be best. I.e. subset my data by grabbing just the week 0 samples and then do a two group comparison.
(2) What is the effect of each treatment type in each tissue type over time?
Here, section 9.7 on multi-level experiments in the limma manual seems most relevant. I'm thinking I should analyse each treatment type separately by subsetting my data, and then proceed like so:
> Treat <- factor(paste(targets$Tissue,targets$Time,sep="."))
> design <- model.matrix(~0+Treat)
> colnames(design) <- levels(Treat)
> corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(eset,design,block=targets$Patient)
> corfit$consensus
> fit <- lmFit(eset,design,block=targets$Patient,correlation=corfit$consensus)
> cm <- makeContrasts(
+ Diseased_twoweekchange = Diseased.2-Diseased.0,
+ Diseased_fourweekchange = Diseased.4-Diseased.0,
+ Healthy_twoweekchange = Healthy.2-Healthy.0,
+ Healthy_fourweekchange = Healthy.4-Healthy.0,
+ levels=design)
(3) Is the effect of each treatment type in each tissue type over time different in Class A compared to Class B?
This is the question I'm most unsure about. Should I proceed like I did in question 2 but use a three way combined factor (Tissue.Time.Class) and then compare the DEG lists after?
Thank you.
Thank you for your answer. For the questions where a given variable isn't relevant could I average the subgroups to get at less specific questions?
For example, in the case of question 1 treatment type and tissue type are not relevant, only class type. Therefore, could I make the following contrast:
Yes, you can form and test any contrast that makes sense from a biological/scientist point of view.