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Roy Williams
Last seen 10.6 years ago
I have 2 questions:
1. I would be really grateful to have a list of papers that cite limma
does such a list exist? If so could someone send it to me.
2. I would like to use the limmaGUI or AffyLMGUI package with illumina
array data www.illumina.com). Is this possible? Could I load a .RData
(or .lmn) data object which has just the column headers (experiments)
and gene names along with the data? I have been using limma from the
command line and it would help considerably to have a GUI which prints
HTML reports.
Many thanks for any advice you might be able to offer,
Roy Williams PhD
The Burnham Institute for Medical Research
Bioinformatics Shared Resource
Building 10 Offices 2405/6
3010 Science Park Road
San Diego, California
92121 USA
Tel: 858 646 3100 ext 3915
email: royw at burnham.org
web site: idmweb.burnham.org