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> Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 20:47:50 +0200
> From: Georg Otto <georg.otto at="" tuebingen.mpg.de="">
> Subject: [BioC] limma decideTests
> To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Hi,
> there seems to be a problem with decideTests (limma package):
> results<-decideTests(fit2, adjust.method="BH")
> gives a table with probe IDs as row names if the methods "separate"
> "global" are used. With methods "heirarchical" and "nestedF"
> row names are missing. Is this a feature the purpose of which I do
> understand?
> This is limma 2.6.2 and R 2.3.0
> Best,
> Georg
Whether or not decideTests() adds row names isn't actually specified
in the documentation so,
strictly speaking, both behaviours are correct. But it would be
better to be consistent. So I'll
update "heirarchical" and "nestedF" to preserve row names when this is
Best wishes