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Excuse me for ranting, but the need to do quality plots, actually
look at the NUMBERS, not just p-values, etc cannot be
over-emphasized. And the less one understands the statistics, the
more important it is to actually visualize your data.
At 11:39 AM 9/14/2006, john seers wrote:
>Hi Wolfgang
> > so I am often also perplexed how people use such a
> >heavy gun without much thought.
>I am trying to avoid being one of those people. :)
>John Seers
>Institute of Food Research
>Norwich Research Park
>NR4 7UA
>tel +44 (0)1603 251497
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>e-mail john.seers at bbsrc.ac.uk
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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Wolfgang Huber [mailto:huber at ebi.ac.uk]
>Sent: 14 September 2006 15:58
>To: john seers (IFR)
>Cc: sdavis2 at mail.nih.gov; bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
>Subject: Re: [BioC] loess and limma
>Hi John,
> > This worries me as people routinely slap in a loess normalisation.
>Non-parametric smoothing (such as loess) is an enormously powerful
>but getting it right (especially at the boundaries) can be tricky,
>there are parameters to choose such as the 'span' and the order of
>local polynomials, so I am often also perplexed how people use such a
>heavy gun without much thought.
>There is some potential for over-fitting and smoothing out real
>Well, that's my little rant for the afternoon :)
> Best wishes
> Wolfgang
>Wolfgang Huber EBI/EMBL Cambridge UK http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber
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