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Last seen 10.5 years ago
This is an automated message sent out weekly to report recent changes
to Bioconductor packages. Please see the URL
http://www.bioconductor.org/changelog.html for a complete history.
Apr 30 2003: reposTools - Fixed several bugs in syncLocalLibList()
caused problems when dealing with multiple package library
This also caused problems down the line w/ getBioC and
(REL1.1 and Devel) - JG
Apr 29 2003: annotate - references to data package hgu95a have been
changed to hgu95av2. JG
Apr 29 2003: limma - imported version 1.0.2 - fixed bug in ebayes when
more than two coefficients (bug introduced on Apr 25). Added new
normalization method, robust splines. Changes to
Several changes to .Rd files.
Apr 28 2003: reposTools - Fixed a bug in save.locLib (called mainly
by syncLocalLibList() where the system would not check that
write access exists for liblisting.Rda before attempting to
write. Also wrapped a call to installed.packages() in a try()
due to a bug in the way it handles empty dirs. (Rel1.1 and Devel)
Apr 28 2003: getBioC - Replaced the 'isDevel' and 'version' parameters
'relLevel' which can take one of 'release', 'devel', 'contrib',
'release1.0' as arguments. Default is 'release' (1.1) JG
Apr 27 2003: limma - imported version 1.0.1 - Several new help topics
consolidation of a couple of old ones. Correction of a couple of
small code bugs concerning creation of classed objects by MA.RG
backgroundCorrect. Other minor changes to help topics entries.