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Rafael A. Irizarry
Last seen 10.5 years ago
if you are interested in affy array
probe-level data analysis
you might find this workshop interesting (see below)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 12 May 2003 15:02:37 -0700
From: genechip workshop <genechip_workshop@affymetrix.com>
To: "Hubbell, Earl" <earl_hubbell@affymetrix.com>,
"'Terry Speed (E-mail)'" <terry@stat.berkeley.edu>,
'Felix Naef' <felix@funes.rockefeller.edu>,
'Cheng Li' <cli@hsph.harvard.edu>,
"'Rafael A. Irizarry (E-mail)'" <ririzarr@jhsph.edu>,
"'Victor Markowitz (E-mail)'" <vmarkowitz@genelogic.com>
Subject: Call for Papers: 2003 Affymetrix GeneChip Microarray Low-
level An
alysis Workshop
2003 Affymetrix GeneChip Microarray Low-level Analysis Workshop
The Alumni House, UC Berkeley Campus
Berkeley, California USA -
August 7-8, 2003
Affymetrix GeneChip microarrays have become a crucial component of
expression and genotype research for many laboratories. Data analysis
remains a major challenge for the effective use of GeneChip data.
While many
software tools and services exist to simplify data access, management,
analysis of microarray data, the availability of large numbers of
experiments and of reference data sets has motivated considerable
in the research community to improve upon existing analysis methods.
Affymetrix would like to invite researchers currently engaged in
development to a poster session in the evening of August 7 and a one
workshop on August 8th, 2003 in Berkeley, California to discuss low-
issues related to GeneChip microarray data analysis including image
analysis, DNA probe hybridization, normalization and summarization. We
soliciting proposals for talks and invite all non-speaking attendees
present posters. The goal of this meeting is to provide a forum for
the open
sharing of ideas and promote further research in GeneChip microarray
analysis. Limited travel support is available.
Please email ASCII text abstracts to: genechip_workshop@affymetrix.com
Deadline for submission of talks is: June 15, 2003 Notification of
acceptance is: July 4, 2003
Organizing Committee:
Earl Hubbell, Affymetrix
Rafael Irizarry, Johns Hopkins University
David Kulp, Affymetrix
Cheng Li, Harvard School of Public Health
Victor Markowitz, Gene Logic
Felix Naef, Rockefeller University
Terry Speed, UCB
To register, please go to: http://eci-events.com/AffyGeneChip/
Note: this workshop is scheduled to follow the Joint Statistical
Meeting in
San Francisco, August 3-7.
Please forward this notice to colleagues who might be interested in
Thank you.