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lee wrote:
> Hi, Pepin and Jim
> Thank Pepin and Jim for your help. But I haven't still figured out.
> After installing affycoretools,
annaffy, Gostats and copy your code, I thought it was working but I
the following message.
> ## error in "data frame" undefined column specified ##
It would help if you pasted more of your R session into the email, so
could see where you got the error. It would also help if after you got
the error, you typed traceback(), and then copy/pasted the ouput from
that as well.
I am afraid I
> made a mistake somewhere. Because I am so new to this
statistic analysis area, could you help me to find what I did wrong?
Also could you tell me what exactly the program use to do the
calculation to get the number of genes? For example, "ID" for my
individual spot identification, or "Acession" for gene identification
from my annotation list.
I'm not sure what you are asking here. Are you asking how the spots
mapped to genes?
> Thanks again.
Sincerely, Seungmin Lee
> library(affycoretools)
> ups <- affycoretools:::makeIndices(results, "up")
> downs <- affycoretools:::makeIndices(results, "down")
> up.genes <- lapply(ups, function(x) row.names(results)[x])
> down.genes <- lapply(downs, function(x) row.names(results)[x])
> Francois Pepin <fpepin at="" cs.mcgill.ca=""> wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> you are correct, my code only looks at one contrast at a time, the
> way that topTable does it. Your modification is needed to look at
> intersection.
> Francois
> On Wed, 2006-11-01 at 14:36 -0500, James W. MacDonald wrote:
>>Hi Francois,
>>Francois Pepin wrote:
>>>Hi Seung-Min,
>>>The differences come from the classifyTestsF. It classifies the
>>>based on the F statistics, rather than the B-values which topTable
>>>Another way to get the information about the up genes both contrast
>>>(Jim's way should work too):
>>>fit$genes[which(results[,1]>0,] ##set to <0 for down genes
>>I don't think that will work. The first column of the results matrix
>>gives information about the genes in the first contrast only. To get
>>both contrasts, you need results[,1] > 0 & results[,2] > 0. In any
>>you have to look at both contrasts to find the genes for any given
>>of the Venn diagram.
>>>Please note that, unlike topTable, the list is ordered by position
>>>the chip, not by how significant the differences are.
>>>On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 16:25 -0800, lee wrote:
>>>>I am using my two color array data. I want to know the genes that
>>>>are significantly Up or Down in both "HFEvsWT" and "SlavsWT"
>>>>from Venn diagram results. I also want to know the genes that are
>>>>significantly Up or Down in one group. When I tried using the gene
>>>>list from topTable function, I got different number of genes
>>>>to Venn Diagram results. Thus, I want to know what are the genes
>>>>Venndiagram analysis.
>>>>Could you help me?
>>>>Thank you so much.classifyTestsF
>>>>Sincerely, Seungmin Lee
>>>>f<-function(x) as.numeric(x$Flags>-99)
>>>>RG<-read.maimages(files,columns=list(R="F635 Mean",G="F532
Mean",Rb="B635 Median",Gb="F532 Median"),annotation=c("Block","Row","C
>>>>results<-classifyTestsF(fit2, p.value=0.01)
>>>>Seung-Min Lee
>>>>graduate student
>>>>244 Morgan Hall
>>>>Molecular&Biochemical Nutrition
>>>>University of California at Berkeley
>>>>lab phone (510)643-2351
>>>>lab fax(510)642-0535
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> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Seung-Min Lee
> graduate student
> 244 Morgan Hall
> Molecular&Biochemical Nutrition
> University of California at Berkeley
> 94720-3104
> lab phone (510)643-2351
> lab fax(510)642-0535
> e-mail address : molba076 at yahoo.com, molba076 at berkeley.edu
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James W. MacDonald, M.S.
Affymetrix and cDNA Microarray Core
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