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Mark W Kimpel
Last seen 10.6 years ago
I seem to be getting nowhere fast. I am having trouble with biocLite.
The error message I get below with biocLite(GOstats) I get with any
other BioC package I try to install.
I have also regularly been getting this message:
> update.packages(repos=biocReposList(), dependencies=TRUE)
Warning: unable to access index for repository
at the beginning of each session as I have this code as part of my
.Rprofile to make sure I keep up to date. Despite this code, which
suggested I ignore, I have been getting updates.
Perhaps I have a corrupted package somewhere? I would be willing to
install all my packages from scratch if that is what it takes.
Unfortunately, I have not yet learned how to build from source and am
dependent on the Windows binaries.
What command would I use to install all of BioC? I used to know it,
I've forgotten and couldn't find it on the website.
> setRepositories()
> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
Warning: unable to access index for repository
Error in install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1], dependencies = NA,
= type) :
no packages were specified
> source("http://bioconductor.org/getBioC.R")
> biocLite <- function(pkgs, groupName="lite", ...)
+ {
+ if (missing(pkgs))
+ getBioC(groupName=groupName, ...)
+ else
+ getBioC(pkgs=pkgs, groupName=groupName, ...)
+ }
> biocLite(GOstats)
Running getBioC version 0.1.8 with R version 2.5.0
Running biocinstall version 2.0.2 with R version 2.5.0 (under
Your version of R requires version 2.0 of Bioconductor (under
development too).
Error in install.packages(pkgs = pkgs, repos = repos, dependencies =
dependencies, :
object "GOstats" not found
R version 2.5.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-02-09 r40677)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages:
[1] "stats" "graphics" "grDevices" "datasets" "utils"
"methods" "base"
other attached packages:
RWinEdt limma affy affyio Biobase
"1.7-5" "2.9.9" "1.13.14" "1.3.3" "1.13.37"
Robert Gentleman wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> It looks like you were installing GOstats from a local copy, are
> sure that is up to date? One thing you might try is to update all
> packages, using update.packages, or to reinstall with biocLite - as
> said, it worked for me
> Again, it is not sufficient to do this for files on your hard disk,
> are going to need updated versions of many of them from the bioc
> best wishes
> Robert
> Mark W Kimpel wrote:
>> Robert,
>> I deleted GOstats from my R library and re-downloaded the latest
>> Win binary from BioC-devel. I deleted my .Rprofile that was
>> some packages like affy. So I had a "virgin" instance of R running.
>> get the same error message. I did not debug this time as it looks
>> the same problem I was having before.
>> Thanks for your continued help. Below is my output.
>> Mark
>> R version 2.5.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-02-09 r40677)
>> Copyright (C) 2007 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
>> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
>> R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
>> You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
>> Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
>> Natural language support but running in an English locale
>> R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
>> Type 'contributors()' for more information and
>> 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
>> Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
>> 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
>> Type 'q()' to quit R.
>> > utils:::menuInstallLocal()
>> package 'GOstats' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
>> updating HTML package descriptions
>> > require(GOstats)
>> Loading required package: GOstats
>> Loading required package: graph
>> Loading required package: Biobase
>> Loading required package: tools
>> Welcome to Bioconductor
>> Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
>> 'openVignette()' or start with 'help(Biobase)'. For details
>> on reading vignettes, see the openVignette help page.
>> Loading required package: GO
>> Loading required package: annotate
>> Loading required package: RBGL
>> Loading required package: Category
>> Loading required package: KEGG
>> Loading required package: genefilter
>> Loading required package: survival
>> Loading required package: splines
>> Error in expMethods[[i]] <- allMethodLists[ii] :
>> more elements supplied than there are to replace
>> [1] FALSE
>> sessionInfo()
>> R version 2.5.0 Under development (unstable) (2007-02-09 r40677)
>> i386-pc-mingw32
>> locale:
>> LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
>> States.1252;LC_MONETARY=English_United
>> States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] "splines" "tools" "stats" "graphics" "grDevices"
>> "utils" "datasets" "methods" "base"
>> other attached packages:
>> Category genefilter survival KEGG RBGL annotate
>> GO Biobase graph
>> "2.1.15" "1.13.8" "2.31" "1.15.1" "1.11.4" "1.13.6"
>> "1.15.1" "1.13.37" "1.13.6"
>> >
>> Robert Gentleman wrote:
>>> Have you tried to reinstall GOstats? Please, do so,
>>> eg
>>> biocLite("GOstats")
>>> and then
>>> library(GOstats)
>>> and then report exactly what comes across the screen for all
>>> thanks
>>> Robert
>>> Mark W Kimpel wrote:
>>>> GOstats is broken in BioC 2.0, and I think in 1.9. Seth and
>>>> are working on a fix but are en-route to New Zealand for a
>>>> conference. Can I load affycoretools without one or more
>>>> dependencies? I just want to use the venn diagram functions.
>>>> Mark
Mark W. Kimpel MD
Department of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine