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Hongmei Jia
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear Mr./Mrs. Support:
We basically encountered the same situations as Karin, is there any
solution for this yet? I'm looking for it.
From: Karin Lagesen <karin.lagesen_at_medisin.uio.no>
Date: Sun 28 Jan 2007 - 17:49:13 GMT
I am working with a custom chip which does not have mm probes, but
does have negative control probes. I would like to see the results of
adjustment of the probe values.
I have thus chosen all of the indices of the negative controls and am
trying to use them as described in the gcrma package:
The indices are here:
> randomprobeindexes[1:5,]
???????x y
[1,] 114 117
[2,] 116 117
[3,] 118 117
[4,] 120 117
[5,] 122 117
I now use them to do gcrma:
> bg.adjust.gcrma(newdata, affinity.source="local", type="affinities",
NCprobe=randomprobeindexes) Adjusting for optical effect.Error in
exprs(abatch)[Index, i] <- exprs(abatch)[Index, i] -
min(exprs(abatch)[Index, :
????????NAs are not allowed in subscripted assignments >
This is due to this:
> mm(newdata)[200:205,]
dmso5.CEL mnng5.CEL mock5.CEL uv5.CEL
[1,] NA NA NA NA
[2,] NA NA NA NA
[3,] NA NA NA NA
[4,] NA NA NA NA
[5,] NA NA NA NA
[6,] NA NA NA NA
> mmindex(newdata)[200:202]