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Dear Artur,
You question doesn't really make sense, because print-order
normalization has nothing to do with
duplicated spots. The identities of the probes are ignored in such a
normalization. In any case,
you can't move spots around and expect the function to still keep
track correctly of the print
order. In the limma package, handling of duplicated spots is done
Best wishes
> Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 15:40:18 -0400
> From: "Artur Veloso" <abveloso at="" gmail.com="">
> Subject: [BioC] how to use normalizeForPrintorder accounting for
> duplicates when there are spots that are not duplicated
in the array?
> To: "Bioconductor List" <bioconductor at="" stat.math.ethz.ch="">
> Hi all,
> I am very new to microarray analysis and I'm running into a few
issues with
> normalizations for the print order. The arrays I am working with are
> "home-made" and the spots are duplicated and separated by columns.
> My problem arises from the fact that there are non-informative spots
> landing lights and empty spots) that are not duplicated. Would it be
> acceptable for me to take all these uninformative spots and shift
them to
> the end of my spots list so that they didn't interfere with the
> and properly duplicated spots? Could this interfere with the results
> I'd get from the function normalizeForPrintorder?
> If shifting the position of my spots like that isn't a good idea,
> anyone have a suggestion to me?
> Thank you all very much,
> Artur Veloso