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Last seen 10.5 years ago
This is an automated message sent out weekly to report recent changes
to Bioconductor packages. Please see the URL
http://www.bioconductor.org/changelog.html for a complete history of
changes. Unless otherwise noted, these changes apply to the
packages only.
5 July 2003: limma - imported version 1.1.7
- support for much extra structure in RGList and MAList objects
- representation of MArrayLM class reverts to list
- support for marrayNorm and exprSet objects by lmFit
- new function makeContrasts to construct contrast matrices
- new function duplicateCorrelation
- classifyTests now supports MArrayLM objects
- new function classifyTests43 for simple t-stat thresholding
- new functions vennCounts and vennDiagram for Venn diagram
- update of LinearModels documentation to reflect changes
29 June 2003: limma - imported version 1.1.5 - subsetting methods for
RGList and MAList objects. Bug fix for cbind method for RGLists.