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Dear Dorthe,
This warning comes from the mixedModel2Fit() function in the statmod
package, which is called by duplicateCorrelation() for individual
genes. This warning would suggest that you have a singular fit for
that gene. Any warning which occurs only a handful of times can be
ignored. However you might double check your data.
Best wishes
>Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2007 11:15:44 +0100 (CET)
>From: dorthe.belgardt at medisin.uio.no
>Subject: [BioC] warning message for duplicateCorrelation
>To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
>when using the dulicateCorrelation function I get the following
>message: "NaNs produced in: sqrt(dfitted.values)"
>I have used the function before and usually got the "too much
>warning message, which I know can be ignored. But now I get the
>message metioned above and don't know whether to ignore it or not.
>Thanks for any help in advance,
>Dorthe Belgardt
>Institute of Basic Medical Sciences
>Department of Physiology
>P.O. Box 1103 Blindern
>0317 Oslo