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This is a question regarding a function in the affxparser package. I
trying to create a cdf using writeCdf and the inputted objects are
I created myself (paring down an existing cdf). I get the following
error "Number of elements in argument 'qcUnitLengths' does not match
'nUnits'" (traceback is below). I don't understand why the number of
elements of 'qcUnitLengths' SHOULD match 'nUnits'. Aren't those
entirely different lists with entirely different number of elements?
seems like it should match nQcUnits. Or is there actually a different
error check going on that I'm failing and the outputted error message
wrong? I think something's probably off, since I know people who have
used similar types of lists to create cdfs and presumably have not
gotten this error. So I'll try to track it down assuming something
doesn't match that should, but it would be helpful to know where to
Elizabeth Purdom
I have the following traceback from the error I get running on a small
test case of my code:
> traceback()
5: stop("Number of elements in argument 'qcUnitLengths' does not match
4: .initializeCdf(con = con, nRows = cdfHeader$nrows, nCols =
nUnits = cdfHeader$nunits, nQcUnits = cdfHeader$nqcunits,
refSeq = cdfHeader$refseq, unitnames = unitNames,
= qcUnitLengths,
unitLengths = unitLengths)
3: writeCdfHeader(con = con, cdfheader, unitNames = names(cdf),
qcUnitLengths = qcUnitLengths, unitLengths = unitLengths,
verbose = verbose)
2: writeCdf(outfile, cdfheader = hdr, cdf = outList, cdfqc = qc,
overwrite = TRUE, verbose = 10)
1: createTranscriptCDF(cdfProbeset, csvAnnotFile, linesPerRead = 10,
type = "extended", dirLoc = getwd())