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Rob Dunne
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi List,
Please excuse the repost. No one responded to my
previous post -- and it seems to me to be quite
The problem is the new marrayNorm 1.1.3
(installed with bioconductor 1.2) -- which seems to get
stuck in an endless loop
marrayNorm 1.1.3 (installed with bioconductor 1.2)
> unix.time(experiment1.norm<-maNorm(experiment1, norm="loess"))
Timing stopped at: 8874.73 19.65 10289.06 0 0
ie I interrupted the process -
but with marrayNorm 1.1.1 reinstalled
marrayNorm 1.1.1
> unix.time(experiment1.norm<-maNorm(experiment1, norm="loess"))
[1] 803.99 29.73 843.40 0.00 0.00
is there a known problem with this package?
Rob Dunne Fax: +61 2 9325 3200 Tel: +61 2 9325 3263
CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences +61 2 9325 3100
Locked Bag 17, North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia, 1670
http://matilda.vu.edu.au/~dunne Email: Rob.Dunne@csiro.au
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