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Johan Lindberg
Last seen 10.2 years ago
Dear all,
Im sorry if this is a question not directly related to using
bioconductor packages, but at least I used them for the analysis that
I need a reference to ;o)
I have a biopsy related project with 63 unpaired biopsies in total
and two groups where I cannot find any differences using limma,
probably due to tissue heterogeneity. I wonder if there is anyone who
has published a paper perhaps with different mixes of cell lines and
compared that to clean comparisons between the cell lines, in order
to draw conclusions about what level of heterogeneity that is
possible to detect using e.g. Affymetrix/Agilent or some other
platform? Im going to try to publish a negative result and it would
be great if anyone has tried to do some quantification around this
I have looked around and I found the paper by Holloway et al,
"Statistical analysis of an RNA titration series evaluates microarray
precision and sensitivity on a whole-array basis", which is a really
good paper but here they only have two cell lines and it would be
nice to have a look of what it looks like in mixtures.
best regards,
// Johan
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