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Weiyin Zhou
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Dear List,
Does anyone know any links for Stratagene universal human reference
and Ambion human brain reference RNA that have been processed on
Affymatrix human exon array that are available for public access?
Thanks ,
Weiyin Zhou
Statistics and Data Analyst
Tel: +1 240 404 0184
Fax: +1 240 683 7060
weiyinz@exonhit.com <mailto:heather.jordan@exonhit.com>
ExonHit Therapeutics, Inc.
Avenel Business Park
217 Perry Parkway, Bldg. 5
Gaithersburg MD, 20877, USA
www.exonhit.com <http: www.exonhit.com=""/>
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