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Scott Ochsner
Last seen 10.3 years ago
Dear BioC,
I have five microarray datasets each with two levels. I'm plotting a
PCA figure and would like to avoid using color as page charges for
color in the journal I wish to submit are expensive.
Is there a way to turn the solid triangle symbol (pch=17) 180 degrees?
This would add enable me to use the upside down triangle (open and
solid) as another symbol set.
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.7.0 (2008-04-22)
LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252;LC_CTYPE=English_United
States.1252;LC_NUMERIC=C;LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages:
[1] splines tools stats graphics grDevices utils
datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] affycoretools_1.12.0 annaffy_1.12.1 KEGG.db_2.2.0
gcrma_2.12.1 matchprobes_1.12.0 biomaRt_1.14.0
[7] RCurl_0.9-3 GOstats_2.6.0 Category_2.6.0
RBGL_1.16.0 GO.db_2.2.0 graph_1.18.1
[13] limma_2.14.2 affy_1.18.1 preprocessCore_1.2.0
affyio_1.8.0 MLInterfaces_1.14.1 annotate_1.18.0
[19] xtable_1.5-2 AnnotationDbi_1.2.1 RSQLite_0.6-8
DBI_0.2-4 rda_1.0 rpart_3.1-41
[25] genefilter_1.20.0 survival_2.34-1 MASS_7.2-41
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] class_7.2-41 cluster_1.11.10 XML_1.95-2
Scott A. Ochsner, Ph.D.
NURSA Bioinformatics
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX. 77030
phone: 713-798-6227