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qPCR 2009 Event
4th international qPCR Symposium & Industrial Exhibition &
Application Workshop
9 - 13th March 2009, in Freising-Weihenstephan, Technical University
of Munich, Weihenstephan, Germany
Dear colleagues,
dear researchers,
dear company representatives,
On behalf of the Organisation Committee and the Scientific Board it is
a great pleasure to invite you to the 4th International qPCR Symposium
& Industrial Exhibition & Application Workshop to be held at the
Center of Life Science in Freising Weihenstephan, Technische
Universität München (Germany). The great international interest in the
previous meetings qPCR 2004 qPCR 2005 and qPCR 2007 ] with up to 600
participants coming from over 40 countries, and 30 international
companies in the qPCR Industrial Exhibition led us to the decision to
repeat the Symposium in spring 2009.
We have set the date for the qPCR 2009 Event to 9 - 13th March 2009.
The event location is the central lecture hall complex and the foyer
at TUM (Technical University of Munich) in Freising Weihenstephan,
Germany. The TUM and the Biotech region around Munich is part of the
largest Biotech cluster in Europe, located close to the Munich airport
in the heart of Bavaria.
Leading academic researchers and industrial contributors in the field
will be participate in the symposium, which will be an arena for
fruitful discussions between researchers of different backgrounds. The
Symposium Talks, various Poster Sessions, Industrial Exhibition and
associated qPCR Application Workshops offer an overview of the present
knowledge and future developments in qPCR technology and its wide
The symposium will focus on approximately 40-50 lectures presented by
internationally recognised experts in their field. The emphasis will
be on unbiased, didactic information exchange. Internationally renown
speakers will be participating in a lively and exciting programme
enabling the valuable exchange of information in the qPCR field. One
third of the talks will be presented by selected invited speakers, one
third will be selected from the submitted abstracts and one third will
be presented by qPCR company R&D representatives. All scientific
contributions will be published in the qPCR 2009 Symposium
It is a pleasure to announce the Nobel Prize Laureate Kary Mullis in
an own session 25th Anniversary of PCR
The qPCR 2009 Event contains several parts:
1. qPCR Symposium taking place March 9 - 11, 2009
=> Talk and Poster sessions http://sessions.qpcr2009.net/
=> confirmed Speakers http://speakers.qpcr2009.net/
=> download FLYER
2. A parallel qPCR Industrial Exhibition taking place March 9 -
11, 2009
3. Followed by four qPCR application Workshops taking place March
12 -13,
powered by the TATAA Biocenter Germany
- Basis Module qPCR Application Workshop (2-days)
- qPCR Biostatistics & Expression Profiling (2-days)
- Sample Preparation (2-days)
- High Resoultion Melt (day 1) & Immuno-qPCR (day 2)
Deadline => 31st December 2008
Referee process will be finished until 15th January 2009
Please register and submit your abstract here =>
qPCR 2009 Talk & Poster sessions
Main topic: Diagnostics & Molecular Markers
Markers in diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic, markers on DNA,
RNA, microRNA, protein, and metabolite level, disease markers, tissue
specific markers, cancer markers, stem-cells markers, differentiation
markers, methylation markers, diagnostic quantification methods,
epigenetics, SNP analysis, HRM = high resolution melt applications,
Main topic: Diagnostics & Molecular Markers in agricultural and
veterinary Science
Diagnostics & Molecular Markers in White-, Green-, Blue-, and Brown-
Biotechnology and in agricultural and veterinary Science. Marker
genes on diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic markers on on DNA,
RNA, microRNA, pProtein, and metabolite level, in animals and plants,
"25th Anniversary of PCR Session held by Nobel Prize Laureate Kary
sponsored by Bioserch Technologies
Single-Cell qPCR
single-cell sampling, pre-amplification techniques, laser micro
dissection, sub-cellular PCR, micro-manipulation of cell clusters,
cellular micro injection, FACS spotting, single cell handling,
RNAi - microRNA - siRNA Applications
RNAi mechanism, microRNA extraction, qRT-PCR technologies to detect
microRNA, siRNA applications in combination with qRT-PCR, microRNA
targets and microRNA precursors, new siRNA manipulation and microRNA
technologies, .....
High Throughput quantitative PCR
384 well applications, new high throughput platforms, qPCR robotics,
digital PCR, SNP application, gene expression real-time RT-PCR arrays
(mRNA and microRNA), quantitative multiplexing,
Pre-analytical Steps
Pre-amplification, sampling technologies, DNA / RNA purification,
extraction efficiency, DNA / mRNA / microRNA quality control, Reverse
Transcription, RT quality control, external references,
Immuno qPCR
development, establishment, optimization of immuno-qPCR, innovative
immuno qPCR applications,
qPCR NOS Session - Normalization & Optimization & Standardization
sponsored by LONZA
new types of normalization, one vs. multiple reference genes, genomic
DNA as standard, external standards, optimization of the real-time
PCR, inhibition of negative effects, optimization of real-time PCR
efficiency, qPCR robotics, multiplexing, establishment of DNA / RNA
standards, inter-run standards, national and international studies on
qPCR standardization, new quantification strategies, ........
qPCR BioStatistics & BioInformatics
software applications, data mining, calculation of relative
expression, primer and probe design on mRNA and microRNA level, real-
time PCR efficiency determination, mathematical modelling,
Multivariate expression profiling raw data analysis, statistics in
real-time PCR, data management, multiway expression profiling,
multiple regression analysis, 3D data visualization, ........
Internet based REGISTRATION & ABSTRACT submission platform =>
qPCR 2009 Industrial Exhibition
An industrial exhibition will be held during the qPCR 2009 Event from
Monday 9th - Wednesday 11th March 2009 in the foyer of the central
lecture hall complex (green frame) and in two side rooms S1 and S2
(blue frame). According to the booth location we have 30 booth in
different prize categories. They are all grouped around the central
lecture hall H14 that can fit up to 650 people.
The qPCR 2009 mailing was end to bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch
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