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Giusy Della Gatta
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I am analyzing custom two color agilent array by using limma package
I am having some problems with the read.maimages
I launch this comand:
> read.maimages("Targets$Filename, source="agilent")
and the error that I have is the following:
Read Control_2b.txt
Read Control_3b.txt
Error in readGenericHeader(fullname, columns = columns) :
Specified column headings not found in file
It is like the columns in the file that I gave as input (Control_.txt)
are not recognized,
maybe I have this problem because is a custom agilent array?
If this is the problem, I have to specify in my script the following
1. list with fields R, G, Rb and Gb giving the column names to be used
for red and green foreground and background;
2. character vector of names of other columns to be read containing
spot-specific information;
3. character vector of names of columns containing annotation
information about the probes;
Is there someone that can answer me and that has got some experience
in the
two color agilent custom array analysis?
Thank you in advance