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Scott Norton
Last seen 10.6 years ago
I eventually fixed this problem, but wondered, as a newbie to R,
whether the
error I had should have clued me into the fact that I didn't have the
version of Biobase and its dependent packages, tkWidgets, genefilter,
Here's the error:
> library(Biobase)
Error in bindingIsLocked(m2, where) : not an environment
Error in library(Biobase) : .First.lib failed
> .packages(all.available = TRUE)
[1] "base" "Biobase" "boot" "class" "cluster"
"ctest" "eda" "foreign"
[9] "genefilter" "grid" "KernSmooth" "lattice" "lqs"
"methods" "mgcv"
[17] "mle" "modreg" "mva" "nlme" "nls"
"reposTools" "rpart"
[25] "spatial" "splines" "stepfun" "survival" "tcltk"
"tkWidgets" "tools" "ts"
Warning message:
package:Biobase is required by package:genefilter (still attached) in:
detach(name = "package:Biobase")
As you can see, it was in my search path. And I have yet to find a
description of this error in the R archives, in general.
I guess what I'm really asking is, what does
"Error in bindingIsLocked(m2,where) : not an environment "
mean? And is there anything in the explanation of that error that
someone that they have a versioning issue with the package and R?
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