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Pedro López Romero
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi Harrys, please post your doubts in the BioC mailing list, so that
everyone can benefit of the comments.
When you run Agi4x44PreProcess at the end you can get an ExpresionSet
object that contains the processed data, using the build.eset function
in this way,
esetPROC = build.eset(ddPROC, targets, makePLOT = FALSE,
annotation.package = "hgug4112a.db)
being ddPROC the RGList that contains your processed data, and targets
your target file that you should have loaded at the beggining using
this is all what you need to start using the limma package. The way I
used limma is like this:
Imagine that I have a paired design by subject (3 levels) and I want
to compare different levels of a Treatment factor with 5 levels. Your
target file has to contain this information, for example:
FileName Treatment GErep Subject
EtOH_P1.txt EtOH 1 1
EtOH_P2.txt EtOH 1 2
EtOH_P3.txt EtOH 1 3
LPS_P1.txt LPS 2 1
LPS_P2.txt LPS 2 2
LPS_P3.txt LPS 2 3
LPS+GW_P1.txt LPS+GW 3 1
LPS+GW_P2.txt LPS+GW 3 2
LPS+GW_P3.txt LPS+GW 3 3
LPS+LG_P1.txt LPS+LG 4 1
LPS+LG_P2.txt LPS+LG 4 2
LPS+LG_P3.txt LPS+LG 4 3
LPS+R_P1.txt LPS+R 5 1
LPS+R_P2.txt LPS+R 5 2
LPS+R_P3.txt LPS+R 5 3
To use limma, first, we need to define the design and contrast
design=model.matrix(~ -1 + treatment + subject )
Then, we can fit the linear model and get the contrasts of interest
You can access the fit2 object to look for genes that are
differentially expressed using
This is quite approximately the way I do it.
From: cjharrysbackup@gmail.com on behalf of C. J. Harrys Kishore
Sent: Wed 2/11/2009 4:05 AM
To: Pedro López Romero
Subject: Re: Queries on the 4x44PreProcess Package
Dear Pedro,
Thank you very much for your information. I now would like to do the
statistical analyses using limma but I could find no way to load the
ProcessedData.txt file for this analysis. It says that I need to load
an RG list..Can you please help me with this? Is there any way I can
actually load this file for further analysis using limma.
Thanks a lot and sorry for all the trouble..
On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Pedro López Romero <plopez@cnic.es>
Hi Harrys,
there´s not function implemented in the package to save the
graphis as ps or pds automatically, although this would be an advance
to take into consideration for future realeases.
The data that you have is the processed data. Thiese are the
data that you have to use to make inferences, either using limma (for
differential expression analysis) or some other package depending on
what you want to get (cluster analysis, molecular signatures, gene set
enrichment analysis). Be aware that the data have not been
statistically analyzed in any way, so we don´t have any pvalue so far.
to make cluster with the data, i normallly use mapletree
(google it), but you might need to use the ctc package (if I recall
correctly) to generate an input for mapletree.
I wrote the package for the 4x44k data and I have no other
sort of Agilent data, althoug I guess It should be possible to use the
package with other one-color agi data, as long as the info that is
expected to be collected can be found in your data files.
best regards
From: cjharrysbackup@gmail.com on behalf of C. J. Harrys
Sent: Wed 2/4/2009 11:52 PM
To: Pedro López Romero
Subject: Queries on the 4x44PreProcess Package
Dear Pedro,
I have recently started to use the Agi4x44PreProcess package
for single color analyses and have the following queries. I am really
new to programming as I am a wet lab guy and I really wanted to learn
analyses as well. I am new to especially to this package and R so I
guess there might be some silly questions as well.:
1. Is there any way to save the graphs and plots for pre and
post normalization automatically as JPEG images because the way I am
doing now is manually taking screenshots and saving them.
2. The data that I get after normalization in the
processeddata.txt file has values what are these? Are they P-values or
fold changes or actual expression. I really would like to know as to
what the values stand for.
3. Is there another way to visualize the heat maps with say
the gene names rather for publication purposes. What I mean is that is
there any other tool to visualize this particular data.
4. It is such a great package but I hope you develop one for 2
color analyses as well.
5. How can I use this for a 244K chip analysis? Is it possible
in the very first place?
I hope that I am not troubling you with these queries and I
thank you in advance for your help.
C.J.Harrys Kishore
PhD. Student
Institute of Bioinformatics
Discoverer Bldg. 7th Floor
International Tech Park
Bangalore-560 066
Ph: +91 80 28416140
Fax: +91 80 28416132
Mob: +91 9880519498
Web: www.ibioinformatics.org
C.J.Harrys Kishore
PhD. Student
Institute of Bioinformatics
Discoverer Bldg. 7th Floor
International Tech Park
Bangalore-560 066
Ph: +91 80 28416140
Fax: +91 80 28416132
Mob: +91 9880519498
Web: www.ibioinformatics.org
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