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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hallo people,
I have just updated my R to v2.9.0 in my OSX and I have obtained an
strange message. When I try to get which is my device with the command
that worked fine previously
I get very strange "device". I get the following "code" instead of a
function (title, width, height, pointsize, family, fontsmooth,
antialias, type, file = NULL, bg, canvas, dpi)
new <- list()
if (!missing(title))
new$title <- title
if (!missing(width))
new$width <- width
if (!missing(height))
new$height <- height
if (!missing(pointsize))
new$pointsize <- pointsize
if (!missing(family))
new$family <- family
if (!missing(fontsmooth))
new$fontsmooth <- fontsmooth
if (!missing(antialias))
new$antialias <- antialias
if (!missing(bg))
new$bg <- bg
if (!missing(canvas))
new$canvas <- canvas
if (!missing(type))
new$type <- type
if (!missing(dpi))
new$dpi <- dpi
if (!checkIntFormat(new$title))
stop("invalid 'title'")
if (!is.null(file) && !checkIntFormat(file))
stop("invalid 'file'")
d <- check.options(new, name.opt = ".quartz.Options", envir
= .Quartzenv)
.External(CQuartz, d$type, file, d$width, d$height, d$pointsize,
d$family, d$antialias, d$fontsmooth, d$title, d$bg, d$canvas,
if is.na(d$dpi)) NULL else d$dpi)
<environment: namespace:grdevices="">
Of course, option("device") returns the same message, although the
rest of the options() are fine. And I can of course open x11() and
quartz() graphics windows without any problem
Can someone explain why I have not the right answer?
$> sessionInfo()
R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
?Donde me he equivocado, soy el ?nico responsable; donde no,
el m?rito es de los que me han ayudado?
M. Gonzalo CLAROS claros at uma.es
Dpt. Biolog?a Molecular y Bioqu?mica
Facultad de Ciencias Fax: (+34) 95 213 2041
Universidad de M?laga Tel: (+34) 95 213 7284/7653
E-29071 M?laga (Spain) http://www.bmbq.uma.es/fmp/