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Last seen 10.5 years ago
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Dr. Richard Segall, part of a research team
at Arkansas State University researching the benefits of using Data
Mining Software on SuperComputers. The team was awarded a Arkansas
State University College of Business Summer Research Grant and will
publish many articles and a book about our findings when the project
We are requesting the use of your software on a trial
basis and/or a live demo of the product in a "GoToMeeting" fashion.
Because of your cooperation in this matter, we would like to list and
illustrate your software in our future publications as a contributor
this project. There is also the possibility that the ARE-ON (Arkansas
Research and Education Optical Network) group will purchase the
for use on the developing state-wide high speed computer network.
Please consider our request and get back to us as soon
you can. My office phone is 870-972-3989 and cell phone is
Thank you very much,
Dr. Richard S. Segall, Associate Professor
Arkansas State University
College of Business
Department of Computer & Information Technology
State University, AR 72467-0130
Phone: 870-972-3989
Fax: 870-972-3868
E-mail: rsegall@astate.edu
Ryan M. Pierce
Arkansas State Univeristy
Student Affairs Research Office
State University, AR 72467-0348
Phone: 870-972-2848
Fax: 870-972-3017
E-mail: rmpierce@astate.edu
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